Progress on inlining

3 March 2012

Cross-crate inlining has come a long way and is now basically functional (I have yet to write a comprehensive test suite, so I’m sure it will fail when exercising various corners of the language).

Just for fun, I did some preliminary micro-benchmarks. The results are not that surprising: removing method call overhead makes programs run faster! But it’s still nice to see things go faster. We’ll look at the benchmarks, see the results, and then dive into the generated assembly. In all cases, I found LLVM doing optimizations that rather surprised me.

How to use it

Actually, rustc has been doing inlining without any special annotations for a long time—but only within one crate. If you want to enable a function to be inlined when called from another crate, you simply have to add an #[inline] annotation to it, like so:

fn range(lo: uint, hi: uint, it: fn(uint)) {
    let i = lo;
    while i < hi { it(i); i += 1u; }

This is the uint::range() function, which simply invokes its argument on every integer in a particular range.

The reason that an annotation is required to inline calls to functions in other crates is that cross-crate inlining complicates the recompilation model. Normally, crates are dynamically linked, so if you change the implementation of a function but not its type signature, then there is no need to recompile dependent crates or programs. However, if an inlined function is changed, then every caller must be recompiled in order to observe that change, as the source of that function will have been inlined into their local compilation units (of course, if the inlined function is not exported or not used, then there is again no need to recompile dependent crates).

The #[inline] directive currently takes one option: you can write #[inline(always)]. The difference is that the former is a hint, which the compiler may choose to ignore. The always directive makes the hint stronger, causing the compiler to ignore the typical heuristics and thresholds that it uses to decide when to inline. Currently, these hints are passed on directly to LLVM; unfortunately, I have found that if you do not write #[inline(always)], LLVM almost always chooses not to inline, so probably we have to adjust the heuristics somewhat for Rust code.

Benchmark #1: uint::range

uint::range is Rust’s way of iterating over a range of integers. The following simple program simply sums up the integers from 0 to N, where N is provided on the command line:

fn main(args: [str]) {
    let r = option::get(uint::from_str(args[1]));
    let sum = 0u;
    uint::range(0u, r) {|i|
        sum += i;
    io::print(#fmt["Sum from 0 to %u is %u\n", r, sum]);

Before inlining, this program would literally create a stack closure for the body of the loop and pass it to the library function range (the source of which was shown above). Range would then iterate and invoke the closure on every iteration.

We’ll look at the generated assembly shortly. But first, let’s see some simple performance measurements:

; rustc -O --inline --monomorphize ~/tmp/
; time ~/tmp/iterator 10000000000
Sum from 0 to 10000000000 is 13106511847580896768

real	0m0.016s
user	0m0.010s
sys	0m0.006s
; rustc -O ~/tmp/ -o ~/tmp/iterator-no-inline
; time ~/tmp/iterator-no-inline 10000000000
Sum from 0 to 10000000000 is 13106511847580896768

real	0m48.217s
user	0m48.203s
sys	0m0.014s

As you can see, the inlining optimizations are still not enabled by default (at least on my machine, compilation does succeed with inlining enabled (or it did when I last tested it), but I am still not happy with the auto-generation of the serialization code and so I did not want to have the main build of the compiler depend on it yet). However, there is a big difference between the inlined and non-inlined version of this benchmark! The non-inlined form took about 3013 times as long! We’ll see why this is when we dig into the generated assembly. The reasons surprised me a bit.

Generated assembly

A (somewhat simplified and annotated) extract of the generated assembly for the uint::range() example is below. Actually, LLVM is amusingly both extremely smart and kind of dumb here. The actual computation of the sum has been removed and turned into an algebraic formula. After that formula is computed, then there is a useless little while loop that just iterates from 0 to n doing nothing:

  ; initialize sum to 0u
  ; and branch out if `r` is 0
  movq    $0, -56(%rbp)
  movq    -48(%rbp), %rcx
  testq   %rcx, %rcx
  je      LBB0_9
  ; compute (r*(r-1)) / 2
  ; (closed form of summation)
  ; and store into %rdx
  leaq    -1(%rcx), %rax
  leaq    -2(%rcx), %rdx
  mulq    %rdx
  shldq   $63, %rax, %rdx
  addq    %rcx, %rdx
  ; loop r times doing nothing
  decq    %rcx
  jne     LBB0_7
  ; store final result of summation
  ; and move on
  decq    %rdx
  movq    %rdx, -56(%rbp)

Benchmark #2: vec::iter

Well, that benchmark was fun but since LLVM got so smart it’s not as interesting as I’d like. So I wrote up another one that uses vec::iter(). This will also have the added benefit of showing off Marijn’s work on monomorphization, which optimizes our treatment of generic functions. The example is basically the same as the previous one, but it uses vectors:

fn main(args: [str]) {
    let r = option::get(uint::from_str(args[1]));
    let v = vec::enum_uints(0u, r);

    let start = std::time::precise_time_s();

    let sum = 0u;
    vec::iter(v) {|i|
        sum += i;

    let end = std::time::precise_time_s();
    io::print(#fmt["Sum from 0 to %u is %u\n", r, sum]);
    io::print(#fmt["time: %3.3f s\n", end - start]);

Unfortunately, the time to execute is largely dominated by building up the vector of integers we’re going to iterate over, so I added some measurements of the time spent iterating to get a better idea of the effects of inlining.

Before we dig into the generated assembly, let’s look at the measurements:

;rustc -O --inline --monomorphize ~/tmp/
;~/tmp/iterator_vec 100000000
Sum from 0 to 100000000 is 5000000050000000
time: 0.140 s
;rustc -O ~/tmp/ -o ~/tmp/iterator_vec-no-inline
;~/tmp/iterator_vec-no-inline 100000000
Sum from 0 to 100000000 is 5000000050000000
time: 1.183 s

Woohoo, the non-inlined version took 8 times longer. That’s satisfying. More satisfying, in a way, than the 3000x improvement from before, since it suggests we’re doing things better but not just winning by a kind of trick.

(Sharp-eyed readers may have noticed that the results of the summation are different than before. This is because vec::enum_uints() generates a vector of i such that 0 <= i <= N whereas uint::range() explores the range 0 <= i < N. Yay for consistency.)

Defining vec::iter

Before we look at the assembly, let’s see how vec::iter() is defined:

fn iter<T>(v: [const T], f: fn(T)) {
    unsafe {
        let mut n = vec::len(v);
        let mut p = unsafe::to_ptr(v);
        while n > 0u {
            p = ptr::offset(p, 1u);
            n -= 1u;

This implementation makes use of pointer arithmetic contained within an unsafe block. It’s basically equivalent to the following C++-ish code:

template<class T>
void iter(vec<T> vec, void (*f)(T&)) {
    n = len(vec);
    T *p = data(vec);
    while (n > 0) {
       p += 1;
       n -= 1;

Generated assembly

OK, now let’s look at the assembly. We’ll see that we’re generating pretty decent code. One thing that could perhaps be improved is that the call to unsafe::to_ptr() does not appear to have been inlined despite the fact that its definition is marked as #[inline(always)]. Note sure why that is. Another thing (which may be related) is that p is not stored in a register but rather loaded on each iteration from the loop. But I’m not sure how significant that is when the effects of caching and so forth are taken into account.

One interesting thing is that LLVM converts the loop from one which counts down to a loop which counts up. It does this by first negating n. I’m not sure why this should be faster, I guess that it lets you generate more compact instructions somehow or perhaps enables other optimizations later on. Can’t say I’ve ever looked into these kind of micro-optimizations around loop counters in detail.

	; Initialize sum to 0:
	movq	$0, -80(%rbp)
	; let n = vec::len(v);
	movq	-64(%rbp), %rdx
	movq	(%rdx), %rbx
    ; Compute p and store it into -48(%rbp)
    ; (Note: first argument to `unsafe::to_ptr()`
    ;  is the location to write the output)
	leaq	-48(%rbp), %rdi
	callq	__ZN3vec6unsafe8to_ptr1217_f332097e13dd07e5E
    ; Convert size from bytes into indices:
	shrq	$3, %rbx
	testq	%rbx, %rbx
	je	LBB0_12
    ; Convert counter to -n:
	negq	%rbx
    ; Zero out the sum, which will be held in %eax:
	xorl	%eax, %eax
    ; Load *p and add to the sum:
	movq	-48(%rbp), %rcx
	addq	(%rcx), %rax
    ; p++
	addq	$8, -48(%rbp)
    ; n++, stop when we reach zero:
	incq	%rbx
	jne	LBB0_10
    ; Move sum from %rax into its home on the stack:
	movq	%rax, -80(%rbp)


I hope you enjoyed this little dive into our code generation.