PJS Roadmap

29 October 2013

I think someone reading this blog would be forgiven for thinking that I must spend most of my energy thinking about Rust. In fact I spend a good part of my working hours hammering on PJS. I thought I’d try to write up a bit of a preview of the things we are working on.

Parallel methods on arrays

Right now, on Nightly Firefox builds, you can use the parallel methods mapPar, filterPar, and reducePar on normal JS arrays. These work basically like their sequential equivalents except that they execute in an undefined order (for reducePar, that can be a more significant difference, since both the left and right operand might be the result of a reduction). That means you can write code like:

var x = [...];
x.mapPar(function(e) { return ...; })

We don’t expect major changes to these methods, except that things will continue to work faster and with a broader range of functions. The major change I expect, which is backwards compatible, is that mapPar and filterPar will change from having an undefined execution order to having a defined order that is the same as map and filter (in other words, they will become “drop-in” replacements for map and filter). But we’re not ready yet to commit that things won’t change, and hence these methods will stay confined to Nightly builds only for the time being.

Besides improving the runtime itself, the two major areas of development for these methods are:

  1. Developer feedback: We’d like to improve the feedback that one gets from the JIT in general, and particularly with respect to parallel execution, to make it easier to track down why you may be getting parallel execution.

  2. Supporting a wider set of JS features: there are a few common constructs that block parallel execution right now. Prime among them is regular expressions. It’d be great to fix those.

Typed objects

My main focus has been on implementing the typed objects API and integrating it into our existing parallel support. Typed objects on Nightly are in a transitional state: they partially conform to the final API, but a lot of work has not yet landed. I hope to land the remainder over this week and next.

Two big pieces of functionality are still missing. The first is the ability to create a typed object that is layered atop an array buffer. The second is to be able to extract an array buffer from a typed object. In both cases, the best way to handle this would be to merge typed arrays and typed objects completely, but since the performance of typed arrays is so crucial, I expect to first create bridges between the two types and then finally remove the bridge altogether. The latter is a long-term goal.

I implemented the the basic optimization strategy that I described before, but it is still necessary to extend that code to handle array elements (that is, we will currently optimize an expression like foo.x or bar.x = 22, but not foo[1] or bar[3] = 22 (where foo and bar are typed objects or handles).

The other big piece of work is that we need to optimize typed object creation. I would like idiomatic code like the following:

var point = new PointType({x: 22, y: 44});

to compile efficiently, without creating any intermediate objects. The same optimizations I have in mind will also make large assignments like the following more efficient:

line.from = {x: 22, y: 44}; // where line.from is a PointType

Integrating the two

Once typed objects are fully working, we need to ensure that parallel higher-order methods like mapPar etc work and work efficiently. We have currently built a prollyfill implementing roughly the desired API. The prollyfill works but only on [my branch] at the moment. It’ll work on Nightly once the typed object patches are fully landed. However, the prollyfill is pretty slow right now due to the absence of good optimization for typed objects and the absence of parallel execution.

There are two main work items here, one high and one low priority. The high priority item is that we’ll have to adjust the write guard code to understand [out pointers][outp].

The low priority item is that we’ll need to implement fallback paths that ensure that even when the JIT cannot fully optimize typed objects, we can still stay in parallel execution. I am not quite sure how this will look. Most likely it will mean extending the ICs to support typed objects (a good idea that will benefit sequential code too); I’ve also made a point to self-host the typed objects implementation where possible, which should help with parallelization.


The current goal is to have efficient parallel execution for typed objects by January. I still think this can be achieved. If we can have the optimized variations on typed objects working by November, that gives two months to integrate which seems reasonable, though not generous.