In Rust, ordinary vectors are values
1 February 2018
I’ve been thinking a lot about persistent collections lately and in particular how they relate to Rust, and I wanted to write up some of my observations.1
What is a persistent collection?
Traditionally, persistent collections are seen as this “wildly
different” way to setup your collection. Instead of having
methods like push
, which grow a vector in place:
vec.push(element); // add element to `vec`
you have a method like add
, which leaves the original vector alone
but returns a new vector that has been modified:
let vec2 = vec.add(element);
The key property here is that vec
does not change. This makes
persistent collections a good fit for functional languages (as well
as, potentially, for parallelism).
How do persistent collections work?
I won’t go into the details of any particular design, but most of them
are based around some kind of tree. For example, if you have a vector
like [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
, you can imagine that instead of storing
those values as one big block, you store them in some kind of tree,
the values at the leaves. In our diagram, the values are split into
two leaf nodes, and then there is a parent node with pointers to
[* *] // <-- this parent node is the vector
| |
----- -----
1 2 3 4 5 6
Now imagine that we want to mutate one of those values in the
vector. Say, we want to change the 6
to a 10
. This means we have
to change the right node, but we can keep using left one. Then we also
have to re-create the parent node so that it can reference the new
right node.
[* *] // <-- original vector
| | // (still exists, unchanged)
----- -----
1 2 3 4 5 6
| 4 5 10 // <-- new copy of the right node
| ------
| |
[* *] // <-- the new vector
Typically speaking, in a balanced sort of tree, this means that an insert opertion in a persistent vector tends to be O(log n) – we have to clone some leaf and mutate it, and then we have to clone and mutate all the parent nodes on the way up the trees. This is quite a bit more expensive than mutating a traditional vector, which is just a couple of CPU instructions.
A couple of observations:
- If the vector is not actually aliased, and you know that it’s
not aliased, you can often avoid these clones and just mutate the
tree in place. A bit later, I’ll talk about an experimental,
Rust-based persistent collection library called
which does that. But this is hard in a typical GC-based language, since you never know when you are aliased or not. - There are tons of other designs for persistent collections, some of which are biased towards particular usage patterns. For example, this paper has a design oriented specifically towards Prolog-like applications; this design uses mutation under the hood to make O(1) insertion, but hides that from the user via the interface. Of course, these cheap inserts come at a cost: older copies of the data structure are expensive to use.
Persistent collections makes collections into values
In some cases, persistent collections make your code easier to understand. The reason is that they act more like “ordinary values”, without their own “identity”. Consider this JS code, with works with integers:
function foo() {
let x = 0;
let y = x;
y += 1;
return y - x;
Here, when we modify y
, we don’t expect x
to change. This is
because x
is just a simple value. However, if we change to use an
function foo() {
let x = [];
let y = x;
use(x, y);
Now when I modify y
, x
changes too. This might be what I want, but
it might not be. And of course things can get even more confusing
when the vectors are hidden behind objects:
function foo() {
let object = {
field: []
let object2 = {
field: object.field
// Now `object.field` and `object2.field` are
// secretly linked behind the scenes.
Now, don’t get me wrong, sometimes it’s super handy that
and object2.field
are precisely the same vector, and
that changes to one will be reflected in the other. But other times,
it’s not what you want; I’ve often found that changing to use
persistent data structures can make my code cleaner and easier to
Rust is different
If you’ve ever seen one of my talks on Rust2, you’ll know that they tend to hammer on a key theme of Rust’s design:
Sharing and mutation: good on their own, TERRIBLE together.
Basically, the idea is that when you have two different ways to reach
the same memory (in our last example, object.field
), then mutation becomes a very dangerous
prospect. This is particularly true when – as in Rust – you are
trying to forego the use of a garbage collector, because suddenly it’s
not clear who should be managing that memory. But it’s true even
with a GC, because changes like object.field.push(...)
may effect
more objects than you expected, leading to bugs (particularly, but not
exclusively, when working with parallel threads).
So what happens in Rust if we try to have two accesses to the same vector, anyway? Let’s go back to those JavaScript examples we just saw, but this time in Rust. The first one, with integers, works just the same as in JS:
let x = 0;
let mut y = x;
y += 1;
return y - x;
But the second example, with vectors, won’t even compile:
let x = vec![];
let mut y = x;
use(x, y); // ERROR: use of moved value `x`
The problem is that once we do y = x
, we have taken ownership of
, and hence it can’t be used anymore.
In Rust, ordinary vectors are values
This leads us to a conclusion. In Rust, the “ordinary collections”
that we use every day already act like values: in fact, so does
any Rust type that doesn’t use a Cell
or a RefCell
. Put another
way, presuming your code compiles, you know that your vector isn’t
being mutated from multiple paths: you could replace it with an
integer and it would behave the same. This is kind of neat.
This implies to me that persistent collections in Rust don’t
necessarily want to have a “different interface” than ordinary ones.
For example, as an experimental side project, I created a persistent
vector library called dogged3. Dogged offers a vector type
called DVec
, which is based on the
persistent vectors offered by Clojure. But if you look at
the methods that DVec
offers, you’ll see they’re kind of the
standard set (push
, etc).
For example, this would be a valid use of a DVec
let mut x = DVec::new();
for element in &x { ... }
Nonetheless, a DVec
is a persistent data structure. Under the
hood, a DVec
is implemented as a trie. It contains an Arc
(ref-counted value) that refers to its internal data. When you call
, we will update that Arc
to refer to the new vector, leaving
the old data in place.
(As an aside, Arc::make_mut
is a really cool method. It
basically tests the reference count of your Arc
and – if it is 1 –
gives you unique (mutable) access to the contents. If the reference
count is not 1, then it will clone the Arc
(and its contents) in
place, and give you a mutable reference to that clone. If you’re
recall how persistent data structures tend to work, this is perfect
for updating a tree as you walk. It lets you avoid cloning in the case
where your collection is not yet aliased.)
But persistent collections are different
The main difference then between a Vec
and a DVec
lies not in the
operations it offers, but in how much they cost. That is, when you
on a standard Vec
, it is an O(1) operation. But when you
clone, that is O(n). For a DVec
, those costs are sort of inverted:
pushing is O(log n), but cloning is O(1).
In particular, with a DVec
, the clone
operation just increments
a reference count on the internal Arc
, whereas with an ordinary
vector, clone
must clone of all the data. But, of course, when you do
a push
on a DVec
, it will clone some portion of the data as it
rebuilds the affected parts of the tree (whereas a Vec
typically can
just write into the end of the array).
But this “big O” notation, as everyone knows, only talks about
asymptotic behavior. One problem I’ve seen with DVec
is that it’s
pretty tough to compete with the standard Vec
in terms of raw
performance. It’s often just faster to copy a whole bunch of data than
to deal with updating trees and allocating memory. I’ve found you have
to go to pretty extreme lengths to justify using a DVec
– e.g.,
making tons of clones and things, and having a lot of data.
And, of course, it’s not all about performance. If you are doing a
lot of clones, then a DVec
ought to use less memory as well, since
they can share a lot of representation.
I’ve tried to illustrate here how Rust’s ownership system offers an
intriguing blend of functional and imperative styles, through the lens
of persistent collections. That is, Rust’s standard collections,
while implemented in the typical imperative way, actually act as if
they are “values”: when you assign a vector from one place to
another, if you want to keep using the original, you must clone
and that makes the new copy independent from the old one.
This is not a new observation. For example, in 1990, Phil Wadler wrote
a paper entitled “Linear Types Can Change The World!” in
which he makes basically the exact same point, though from the
inverted perspective. Here he is saying that you can still offer a
persistent interface (e.g., a method vec.add(element)
that returns a
new vector), but if you use linear types, you can secretly implement
it in terms of an imperative data structure (e.g.,
) and nobody has to know.
In playing with DVec
, I’ve already found it very useful to have a
persistent vector that offers the same interface as a regular one. For
example, I was able to very easily modify the
ena unification library (which is based on a vector under the
hood) to act in either persistent mode (using DVec
) or
imperative mode (using Vec
). Basically the idea is to be generic
over the exact vector type, which is easy since they both offer the
same interface.
(As an aside, I’d love to see some more experimentation here. For example, I think it could be really useful to have a vector that starts out as an ordinary vector, but changes to a persistent one after a certain length.)
That said, I think there is another reason that some have taken
interest in persistent collections for Rust specifically. That is,
while simultaneous sharing and mutation can be a risky pattern, it is
sometimes a necessary and dang useful one, and Rust currently makes
it kind of unergonomic. I do think we should do things to improve
this situation, and I have some specific thoughts4, but I
think that persistent vs imperative collections are kind of a
non-sequitor here. Put another way, Rust already has persistent
collections, they just have a particularly inefficient clone
As it happens, the SLG solver that I wrote about before seems like it would really like to use persistent collections. ↩︎
If you haven’t, I thought [this one] went pretty well. [this one]: ↩︎
In English, if you are “dogged” in pursuing your goals, you are persistent. ↩︎
Specific thoughts that will have to wait until the next blog post. Time to get my daughter up and ready for school! ↩︎