Async Vision Doc Writing Sessions II
25 March 2021
I’m scheduling two more public drafting sessions for tomorrow, Match 26th:
- On March 26th at 10am ET (click to see in your local timezone), we will be working on writing a story about the challenges of writing a library that can be reused across many runtimes (rust-lang/wg-async-foundations#45);
- On March 26th at 2pm ET (click to see in your local tomezone), we will be working on writing a story about the difficulty of debugging and interpreting async stack traces (rust-lang/wg-async-foundations#69).
If you’re available and have interest in one of those issues, please join us! Just ping me on Discord or Zulip and I’ll send you the Zoom link.
I also plan to schedule more sessions next week, so stay tuned!
The vision…what?
Never heard of the async vision doc? It’s a new thing we’re trying as part of the Async Foundations Working Group:
We are launching a collaborative effort to build a shared vision document for Async Rust. Our goal is to engage the entire community in a collective act of the imagination: how can we make the end-to-end experience of using Async I/O not only a pragmatic choice, but a joyful one?