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26 June 2024

More thoughts on claiming

This is the first of what I think will be several follow-up posts to “Claiming, auto and otherwise”. This post is focused on clarifying and tweaking the design I laid out previously in response to some of the feedback I’ve gotten. In future posts I want to lay out some of the alternative designs I’ve heard. TL;DR: People like it If there’s any one thing I can take away from what I’ve heard, is that people really like the idea of making working with reference counted or cheaply cloneable data more ergonomic than it is today.

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21 June 2024

Claiming, auto and otherwise

This blog post proposes adding a third trait, Claim, that would live alongside Copy and Clone. The goal of this trait is to improve Rust’s existing split, where types are categorized as either Copy (for “plain old data”1 that is safe to memcpy) and Clone (for types that require executing custom code or which have destructors). This split has served Rust fairly well but also has some shortcomings that we’ve seen over time, including maintenance hazards, performance footguns, and (at times quite significant) ergonomic pain and user confusion.

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2 June 2024

The borrow checker within

This post lays out a 4-part roadmap for the borrow checker that I call “the borrow checker within”. These changes are meant to help Rust become a better version of itself, enabling patterns of code which feel like they fit within Rust’s spirit, but run afoul of the letter of its law. I feel fairly comfortable with the design for each of these items, though work remains to scope out the details.

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2 May 2024

Unwind considered harmful?

I’ve been thinking a wild thought lately: we should deprecate panic=unwind. Most production users I know either already run with panic=abort or use unwinding in a very limited fashion, basically just to run to cleanup, not to truly recover. Removing unwinding from most case meanwhile has a number of benefits, allowing us to extend the type system in interesting and potentially very impactful ways. It also removes a common source of subtle bugs.

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23 April 2024

Sized, DynSized, and Unsized

Extern types have been blocked for an unreasonably long time on a fairly narrow, specialized question: Rust today divides all types into two categories — sized, whose size can be statically computed, and unsized, whose size can only be computed at runtime. But for external types what we really want is a third category, types whose size can never be known, even at runtime (in C, you can model this by defining structs with an unknown set of fields).

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5 April 2024

Ownership in Rust

Ownership is an important concept in Rust — but I’m not talking about the type system. I’m talking about in our open source project. One of the big failure modes I’ve seen in the Rust community, especially lately, is the feeling that it’s unclear who is entitled to make decisions. Over the last six months or so, I’ve been developing a project goals proposal, which is an attempt to reinvigorate Rust’s roadmap process — and a key part of this is the idea of giving each goal an owner.

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