Guaranteeing parallel execution
21 March 2013
One common criticism of the work on ParallelJS is that the API itself does not guarantee parallel execution. Instead, our approach has been to offer methods whose definition makes parallel execution possible, but we have left it up to the engines to define the exact set of JavaScript that will be safe for parallel execution.
Now, I definitely think it is a good idea to clearly define the subset of JavaScript that our engine will be able to execute in parallel. As I wrote in my preivous post, I want to do this both via documentation and via developer tools that provide live feedback. In some cases, I think, the rules will probably depend on type inference or other dynamic analysis techniques that are subtle and hard to explain, but live feedback should be helpful in detecting and resolving those cases.
Nonetheless, I do not think that the formal specification of ParallelJS should include these sorts of details. In my view, this would be similar to having the ECMAScript committee define what patterns in JavaScript will be efficiently JITted and which will not. This is ultimately going to vary depending on the implementation.
In particular, the JavaScript subset that will be acceptable is going to vary substantially depending on what techniques are used to implement the parallelization. On the extreme end, if we had an implementation based on transactional memory, you could imagine that the full JavaScript language might be accepted. If you think that’s science fiction, consider that newer Intel chips will have hardware support for a limited form of transactional memory. On the other extreme, engines that utilize the GPU will only support a very limited subset, one that most likely excludes memory allocation.
I find the precedent of asm.js to be a more promising approach. The formal specification should only state what the the parallel methods are. Preferably, this specification should be loose enough to accommodate as many different parallel execution techniques as possible, but strict enough to prevent wide divergence between engines. I have argued in the past for “equivalent to some sequential execution”, and I still think that’s the right standard, but there’s room for discussion on this point.
Meanwhile, there are can be several independent specifications that provide guidance as to what subset of JavaScript should be supported to parallelize in different ways. Writing such a specification now is probably immature, I think it would be better to have multiple JavaScript engines involved so that the specification is not tailored to SpiderMonkey.
It will be challenging, I think, to come up with a specification that offers the very strong guarantees that “asm.js” can offer (no recompilation, no bailouts, etc). This is because “asm.js” is a very narrow slice of JS intended to be output by compilers, not by humans. It excludes, for example, all normal JavaScript objects. Now, a specification like this might be useful in a parallel context as well; it could serve as the backend for other languages. But I would hope that we have some broader specifications that define code that humans can write.
It is also important to point out that “asm.js” builds upon a lot of precedent. Smart folk working on projects like Emscripten and Mandreel have already done a lot of the leg work to define the idioms that “asm.js” codifies. I hope that as ParallelJS evolves we’ll also evolve a common set of idioms and “ways of doing things” that we can then formalize.