Optimizing SIMD

21 November 2013

There is currently some ongoing effort to implement the proposed JavaScript SIMD API in Firefox. The basic idea of the API is to introduce explicit vector value types called float32x4 and int32x4. These types fit into the typed objects hierarchy, so you can create arrays of them, embed them in structs, and so forth.

The semantics of these vectors types is designed to make it possible for JIT engines to detect and optimize their use. One crucial bit is that they are values and hence do not have identity. Basically float32x4 values work like numbers and strings do today – they are equal if they have the same value. This is quite different from objects, which may be unequal if their properties are the same (e.g., {} !== {}).

The purpose of this post is to outline one possible strategy for optimizing the use of SIMD types in IonMonkey. The initial set of optimizations don’t require any new analyses, though we can add an optional simple analysis in order to optimize more programs. This analysis is actually fairly general and can be applied to other kinds of typed objects.


This is the example function that I intend to optimize. addArrays() takes as input two arrays of float32x4 values and adds them pairwise, returning a new array.

function addArrays(a, b) { // a and b are instances of ArrayType(float32x4)
    var c = new Float32x4Array(a.length);
    for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
        c[i] = SIMD.float32x4.add(a[i], b[i]);
    return c;

What we would like to do is emit optimized assembly that uses the SIMD operations offered by our CPU.


The basic strategy is similar to the existing optimizations that we use for all typed objects. In that case, the trick is that we generate the full IR at first, including all the boxing operations. However, whenever possible we don’t make use of the boxed values but rather pull out the inputs to the boxing and use those directly. Similar logic is currently encoded in loadTypedObjectElements() for the purpose of optimizing out derived temporaries.

Line by line

Let me explain better by looking at the example. Consider the body of the loop that adds the two vectors:

c[i] = SIMD.float32x4.add(a[i], b[i]);

First let me introduce temporaries for ease of discussion:

var tmp0 = a[i];
var tmp1 = b[i];
var tmp2 = SIMD.float32x4.add(tmp0, tmp1);
c[i] = tmp2;

When processing the first two temporaries we generate MIR (mid-level IR) like so:

var elem0 = MTypedObjectElements(a);  // (1)
var i0 = MBoundsCheck(i, ...);        // (2)
var arg0 = MLoadVector(elem0, i0);    // (3)
var tmp0 = MVectorTypedObject(arg0);  // (4)

var elem1 = MElements(b);
var i1 = MBoundsCheck(i, ...);
var arg1 = MLoadVector(elem1, i1);
var tmp1 = MVectorTypedObject(arg1);

Instruction (1) loads the “elements” of a typed object, which is basically just a pointer at the raw binary data of the a object. Since a is an array of float32x4 values, elem0 will be just an array of floats. Instruction (2) checks that the next line checks that i is within bounds of the array. In instruction (3), the load of arg0 extracts the vector data from elem0 at the given offset. This will hopefully be translated to the vector load instructions offered by the CPU. Finally, in instruction (4), we package up the loaded vectors into a new typed object tmp0 – this is a boxing operation and it’s fairly expensive, it allocates a new object and copies the vector data into it. The same set of operations repeats again for tmp1.

Where things get interesting is what we generate when processing the call to SIMD.float32x4.add(tmp0, tmp1). Adding two vectors requires unboxed data; we observe that tmp0 and tmp1 are boxed vectors and so rather than loading the data out of them with more MLoadVector instructions, we just directly extract the source values arg0 and arg1 that were used to create tmp0 and tmp1:

var sum2 = MAddVector(arg0, arg1);
var tmp2 = MVectorTypedObject(sum2);

Finally we process the store c[i] = tmp2, generating the following instructions:

var elem2 = MElements(c);
var i2 = MBoundsCheck(i, ...);
MStoreVector(elem2, i2, sum2);

Here again we do not generate instructions to load data out of tmp2 but rather just use its input sum2 directly.

Putting it all together

This is the full IR that we generate initially:

var elem0 = MElements(a);
var i0 = MBoundsCheck(i, ...);
var arg0 = MLoadVector(elem0, i0 * sizeof(float32x4));
var tmp0 = MVectorTypedObject(arg0);

var elem1 = MElements(b);
var i1 = MBoundsCheck(i, ...);
var arg1 = MLoadVector(elem1, i1 * sizeof(float32x4));
var tmp1 = MVectorTypedObject(arg1);
var sum2 = MAddVector(tmp0, tmp1);
var tmp2 = MVectorTypedObject(sum2);

var elem2 = MElements(c);
var i2 = MBoundsCheck(i, ...);
MStoreVector(elem2, i2 * sizeof(float32x4), sum2);

Note that in this code tmp0, tmp1, and tmp2 are all dead (though we had to generate them as part of the IonBuilder process). Furthermore, we know that the boxing operation MVectorTypedObject is side-effect free and thus safe to move or eliminate as needed. When dead code runs, therefore, it will be simplified to:

var elem0 = MElements(a);
var elem1 = MElements(b);
var arg0 = MLoadVector(elem0, i * sizeof(float32x4));
var arg1 = MLoadVector(elem1, i * sizeof(float32x4));
var sum2 = MAddVector(arg0, arg1);
var elem2 = MElements(c);
MStoreVector(elem2, i * sizeof(float32x4), sum2);

Loop-invariant code motion, in turn, will hoist out the MElements calls (and possibly bounds checks etc but I’ll ignore that for now). This means that after optimization the entire routine will look something like:

var elem0 = MElements(a);
var elem1 = MElements(b);
var elem2 = MElements(c);
for (...) {
    var i0 = MBoundsCheck(i, ...);
    var i1 = MBoundsCheck(i, ...);
    var i2 = MBoundsCheck(i, ...);
    var arg0 = MLoadVector(elem0, i * sizeof(float32x4));
    var arg1 = MLoadVector(elem1, i * sizeof(float32x4));
    var sum0 = MAddVector(arg0, arg1);
    MStoreVector(elem2, i * sizeof(float32x4), sum0);

Limitations and improvements

There are some limitations to this strategy. For example, it won’t work with conditional code. So if we modified the body of the loop to include a conditional expression, we’d be out of luck:

 c[i] = SIMD.float32x4.add((cond ? a[i] : b[i]), b[i]);

Here the first input would be a “phi” node, and thus we could not definitely trace it to a MVectorTypedObject instruction. This means that we would generate unboxing instructions that read from the temporary, and thus introduce an extra MLoadVector as well as a live temporary. We can easily optimize this in a second pass that walks over the IR and detects phi nodes where all inputs are boxed temporaries and the output is boxed. We can then convert the phi node

Another limitation is that the boxed temporaries will still appear in the “resumepoint” instructions that encode the state of the stack for the purposes of bailouts. For simple loops like the one I showed, those might get optimized away, particularly if the bounds checks are hoisted; but otherwise, we’ll need to replace the temporaries with the unboxed variations, and modify the bailout code to understand how to rebox the data.

Comparing with the float32 optimization

IonMonkey currently includes an optimization where it switches to use float32 arithmetic rather than float64 if it can detect that the values being added (1) originated from a float32 value and (2) will be stored back into a float32 value. This is similar to the phi optimization I suggested above. One difference between that approach and the one I suggested here is that the float32 optimization is only performed if all producers and consumers expect float32, and not just the producers. In contrast, my approach here has says that so long as a consumer wants unboxed data, it can bypass the box on its own. If all consumers wind up bypassing the box, then the box is collected as dead code, but it’s also possible for some consumers to remain, in which case the box remains live. Thus the optimization described here is more aggressive – this approach is not possible with float32s because we are attempting to take an addition that is specified as a float64 add and perform it using float32 arithmetic, and that’s only legal when the result is always coerced back to float32. But this scenario does not apply to SIMD.float32x4.add().

Changes needed

This is a summary of the (front end) changes needed to make this work happen.

  1. Add MIRType_float32x4 and MIRType_int32x4
  2. Add the following MIR instructions:
    • MPackVector(v1, v2, v3, v4) -> {MIRType_float32x4, MIRType_int32x4}
    • MLoadVector(elements, offset) -> {MIRType_float32x4, MIRType_int32x4}
    • MStoreVector(elements, offset, value) where value : {MIRType_float32x4, MIRType_int32x4}
    • MAddVector(value1, value2) where value1, value2 : {MIRType_float32x4, MIRType_int32x4}
    • MVectorTypedObject(value) -> MIRType_object (similar to MDerivedTypeObject)
  3. Calls to SIMD.float32x4.add are inlined specially if:
    • both operands are typed objects of type T where T = either float32x4 or int32x4
    • in that case, insert MLoadVector for each argument (using existing code that skips indirection as a model – detecting MDerivedTypeObject and MVectorTypedObject and shortcircuit)
    • insert MAddVector with unboxed operands
    • insert MVectorTypedObject to box result
  4. Loads of typed object values of type float32x4 are modified to do a MLoadVector and MVectorTypedObject
  5. Stores into typed object lvalues of type float32x4 where value we are storing from is a MVectorTypedObject would be optimized to avoid intermediate
  6. Add appropriate LIR instructions and modify register allocator etc.