Thoughts on DST, Part 3

27 November 2013

After posting part 2 of my DST series, I realized that I had focusing too much on the pure “type system” aspect and ignoring some of the more…mundane semantics, and in particular the impact of monomorphization. I realize now that – without some further changes – we would not be able to compile and execute the second proposal (which I will dub statically sized typed (SST) from here on out). Let me first explain the problem and then show how my first thoughts on how it might be addressed.

This is part 3 of a series:

  1. Examining DST.
  2. Examining an alternative formulation of the current system.
  3. …and then a twist.
  4. Further complications.

The problem

The problem with the SST solution becomes apparent when you think about how you would compile a dereference *rc of a value rc that has type exists N. RC<[int, ..N]> (written long-hand). Typing this dereference is relatively straightforward, but when you think about the actual code that we generate, things get more complicated.

In particular, imagine the Deref impl I showed before:

impl<T> Deref<T> for RC<T> {
    fn deref<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a T {

The problem here is that the way monomorphization currently works, there will be a different impl generated for RC<[int, ..2]> and RC<[int, ..3]> and RC<[int, ..4]> and so on. So if we actually try to generate code, we’ll need to know which of those versions of deref we ought to call. But all we know that we have a RC<[int, ..N]> for some unknown N, which is not enough information. What’s frustrating of course is that it doesn’t actually matter which version we call – they all generate precisely the same code, and in fact they would generate the same code regardless of the type T. In some cases, as an optimization, LLVM or the backend might even collapse these functions into one, since the code is identical, but we have no way at present to guarantee that it would do so or to ensure that the generated code is identical.

A solution

One possible solution for this would be to permit users to mark type parameters as erased. If a type parameter T is marked erased, the compiler would enforce distinctions that guarantee that the generated code will be the same no matter what type T is bound to. This in turn means the code generator can guarantee that there will only be a single copy of any function parameterized over T (presuming of course that the function is not parameterized over other, non-erased type parameters).

If we apply this notion, then we might rewrite our Deref implementation for RC as follows:

impl<erased T> Deref<T> for RC<T> {
    fn deref<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a T {

It would be illegal to perform the following actions on an erased parameter T:

  • Drop a value of type T – that would require that we know what type T is so we can call the appropriate destructor.
  • Assign to an lvalue of type T – that would require dropping the previous value
  • Invoke methods on values of type T – in other words, erased parameters can have no bounds.
  • Take an argument of type T or have a local variable of type T – that would require knowing how much space to allocate on the stack
  • Probably a few other things.

But maybe that erases too much…?

For the most part those restrictions are ok, but one in particular kind of sticks in my craw: how can we handle drops? For example, imagine we have a a value like RC<[~int]>. If this gets dropped, then we’ll need to recursively free all of the ~int values that are contained in the vector. Presumably this is handled by having RC<T> invoking the appropriate “drop glue” (Rust-ese for destructor) for its type T – but if T is erased, we can’t know which drop glue to run. And if T is not erased, then when RC<[~int]> is dropped, we won’t know whether to run the destructor for RC<[~int, ..5]> or RC<[~int, ..6]> etc. And – of course – it’s wildly wasteful to have distinct destructors for each possible length of an array.

Erased is the new unsized?

This erased annotation should of course remind you of the unsized annotation in DST. The two are very similar: they guarantee that the compiler can generate code even in ignorance of the precise characteristics of the type in question. The difference is that, with unsized, the compile was still generating code specific to each distinct instantiation of the parameter T, it’s just that one valid instantiation would be an unsized type [U] (that is, exists N. [U, ..N]). The compiler knew it could always find the length for any instance of [U] and thus could generate drop glue and so on.

So perhaps the solution is not to have erased, which says “code generation knows nothing about T, but rather some sort of partial erasure (similar to the way that we erase lifetimes from types at code generation, and thus can’t the code generator can’t distinguish the lifetimes of two borrowed pointers).


This naturally throws a wrench in the works. I still lean towards the SST approach, but we’ll have to find the correct variation on erased that preserves enough type info to run destructors but not so much as to require distinct copies of the same function for every distinct vector length. And it seems clear that we don’t get SST “for free” with no annotation burden at all on smart pointer implementors. As a positive, having a smarter story about type erasure will help cut down on code duplication caused by monomorphization.

UPDATE: I realize what I’m writing here isn’t enough. To actually drop a value of existential type, we’ll need to make use of the dynamic info – i.e., the length of the vector, or the vtable for the object. So it’s not enough to say that the type parameter is erased during drop – or rather drop can’t possibly work with the type parameter being erased. However, what is somewhat helpful is that user-defined drops are always a “shallow” drop. In other words, it’s the compiler’s job (typically) to drop the fields of an object. And the compiler knows the length of the array etc. In any case, I thnk with some effort, we can make this work, but it’s not as simple as erasing type parameters – we have to be able to tweak the drop protocol, or perhaps convert “partially erased” type parameters into a dynamic value (that would be the length, vtable, or just () for non-existential types) that can be used to permit calls to drop and so on.