Attribute and macro syntax

11 September 2014

A few weeks back pcwalton introduced a PR that aimed to move the attribute and macro syntax to use a leading @ sigil. This means that one would write macros like:

@format("SomeString: {}", 22)


@vec[1, 2, 3]

One would write attributes in the same way:

struct SomeStruct {

fn foo() { ... }

This proposal was controversial. This debate has been sitting for a week or so. I spent some time last week reading every single comment and I wanted to lay out my current thoughts.

Why change it?

There were basically two motivations for introducing the change.

Free the bang. The first was to “free up” the ! sign. The initial motivation was aturon’s error-handling RFC, but I think that even if we decide not to act on that specific proposal, it’s still worth trying to reserve ! and ? for something related to error-handling. We are very limited in the set of characters we can realistically use for syntactic sugar, and ! and ? are valuable “ASCII real-estate”.

Part of the reason for this is that ! has a long history of being the sigil one uses to indicate something dangerous or surprising. Basically, something you should pay extra attention to. This is partly why we chose it for macros, but in truth macros are not dangerous. They can be mildly surprising, in that they don’t necessarily act like regular syntax, but having a distinguished macro invocation syntax already serves the job of alerting you to that possibility. Once you know what a macro does, it ought to just fade into the background.

Decorators and macros. Another strong motivation for me is that I think attributes and macros are two sides of the same coin and thus should use similar syntax. Perhaps the most popular attribute – deriving – is literally nothing more than a macro. The only difference is that its “input” is the type definition to which it is attached (there are some differences in the implementation side presently – e.g., deriving is based off the AST – but as I discuss below I’d like to erase that distiction eventually). That said, right now attributes and macros live in rather distinct worlds, so I think a lot of people view this claim with skepticism. So allow me to expand on what I mean.

How attributes and macros ought to move closer together

Right now attributes and macros are quite distinct, but looking forward I see them moving much closer together over time. Here are some of the various ways.

Attributes taking token trees. Right now attribute syntax is kind of specialized. Eventually I think we’ll want to generalize it so that attributes can take arbitrary token trees as arguments, much like macros operate on token trees (if you’re not familiar with token trees, see the appendix). Using token trees would allow more complex arguments to deriving and other decorators. For example, it’d be great to be able to say:


where EncoderTypeName<foo> is the name of the specific encoder that you wish to derive an impl for, vs today, where deriving always creates an encodabe impl that works for all encoders. (See Issue #3740 for more details.) Token trees seem like the obvious syntax to permit here.

Macros in decorator position. Eventually, I’d like it to be possible for any macro to be attached to an item definition as a decorator. The basic idea is that @foo(abc) struct Bar { ... } would be syntactic sugar for (something like) @foo((abc), (struct Bar { ... })) (presuming foo is a macro).

An aside: it occurs to me that to make this possible before 1.0 as I envisioned it, we’ll need to at least reserve macro names so they cannot be used as attributes. It might also be better to have macros declare whether or not they want to be usable as decorators, just so we can give better error messages. This has some bearing on the “disadvantages” of the @ syntax discussed below, as well.

Using macros in decorator position would be useful for those cases where the macro is conceptually “modifying” a base fn definition. There are numerous examples: memoization, some kind of generator expansion, more complex variations on deriving or pretty-printing, and so on. A specific example from the past was the externfn! wrapper that would both declare an extern "C" function and some sort of Rust wrapper (I don’t recall precisely why). It was used roughly like so:

externfn! {
    fn foo(...) { ... }

Clearly, this would be nicer if one wrote it as:

fn foo(...) { ... }

Token trees as the interface to rule them all. Although the idea of permitting macros to appear in attribute position seems to largely erase the distinction between today’s “decorators”, “syntax extensions”, and “macros”, there remains the niggly detail of the implementation. Let’s just look at deriving as an example: today, deriving is a transform from one AST node to some number of AST nodes. Basically it takes the AST node for a type definition and emits that same node back along with various nodes for auto-generated impls. This is completely different from a macro-rules macro, which operates only on token trees. The plan has always been to remove deriving out of the compiler proper and make it “just another” syntax extension that happens to be defined in the standard library (the same applies to other standard macros like format and so on).

In order to move deriving out of the compiler, though, the interface will have to change from ASTs to token trees. There are two reasons for this. The first is that we are simply not prepared to standardize the Rust compiler’s AST in any public way (and have no near term plans to do so). The second is that ASTs are insufficiently general. We have syntax extensions to accept all kinds of inputs, not just Rust ASTs.

Note that syntax extensions, like deriving, that wish to accept Rust ASTs can easily use a Rust parser to parse the token tree they are given as input. This could be a cleaned up version of the libsyntax library that rustc itself uses, or a third-party parser module (think Esprima for JS). Using separate libraries is advantageous for many reasons. For one thing, it allows other styles of parser libraries to be created (including, for example, versions that support an extensible grammar). It also allows syntax extensions to pin to an older version of the library if necessary, allowing for more independent evolution of all the components involved.

What are the objections?

There were two big objections to the proposal:

  1. Macros using ! feels very lightweight, whereas @ feels more intrusive.
  2. There is an inherent ambiguity since @id() can serve as both an attribute and a macro.

The first point seems to be a matter of taste. I don’t find @ particularly heavyweight, and I think that choosing a suitable color for the emacs/vim modes will probably help quite a bit in making it unobtrusive. In constrast, I think that ! has a strong connotation of “dangerous” which seems inappropriate for most macros. But neither syntax seems particularly egregious: I think we’ll quickly get used to either one.

The second point regarding potential ambiguities is more interesting. The ambiguities are easy to resolve from a technical perpsective, but that does not mean that they won’t be confusing to users.

Parenthesized macro invocations

The first ambiguity is that @foo() can be interpreted as either an attribute or a macro invocation. The observation is that @foo() as a macro invocation should behave like existing syntax, which means that either it should behave like a method call (in a fn body) or a tuple struct (at the top-level). In both cases, it would have to be followed by a “terminator” token: either a ; or a closing delimeter (), ], and }). Therefore, we can simply peek at the next token to decide how to interpret @foo() when we see it.

I believe that, using this disambiguation rule, almost all existing code would continue to parse correctly if it were mass-converted to use @foo in place of the older syntax. The one exception is top-level macro invocations. Today it is common to write something like:

declaremethods!(foo, bar)

struct SomeUnrelatedStruct { ... }

where declaremethods! expands out to a set of method declarations or something similar.

If you just transliterate this to @, then the macro would be parsed as a decorator:

@declaremethods(foo, bar)

struct SomeUnrelatedStruct { ... }

Hence a semicolon would be required, or else {}:

@declaremethods(foo, bar);
struct SomeUnrelatedStruct { ... }

@declaremethods { foo, bar }
struct SomeUnrelatedStruct { ... }

Note that both of these are more consistent with our syntax in general: tuple structs, for example, are always followed by a ; to terminate them. (If you replace @declaremethods(foo, bar) with struct Struct1(foo, bar), then you can see what I mean.) However, today if you fail to include the semicolon, you get a parser error, whereas here you might get a surprising misapplication of the macro.

Macro invocations with braces, square or curly

Until recently, attributes could only be applied to items. However, recent RFCs have proposed extending attributes so that they can be applied to blocks and expressions. These RFCs introduce additional ambiguities for macro invocations based on [] and {}:

  • @foo{...} could be a macro invocation or an annotation @foo applied to the block {...},
  • @foo[...] could be a macro invocation or an annotation @foo applied to the expression [...].

These ambiguities can be resolved by requiring inner attributes for blocks and expressions. Hence, rather than @cold x + y, one would write (@!cold x) + y. I actually prefer this in general, because it makes the precedence clear.

OK, so what are the options?

Using @ for attributes is popular. It is the use with macros that is controversial. Therefore, how I see it, there are three things on the table:

  1. Use @foo for attributes, keep foo! for macros (status quo-ish).
  2. Use @foo for both attributes and macros (the proposal).
  3. Use @[foo] for attributes and @foo for macros (a compromise).

Option 1 is roughly the status quo, but moving from #[foo] to @foo for attributes (this seemed to be universally popular). The obvious downside is that we lose ! forever and we also miss an opportunity to unify attribute and macro syntax. We can still adopt the model where decorators and macros are interoperable, but it will be a little more strange, since they look very different.

The advantages of Option 2 are what I’ve been talking about this whole time. The most significant disadvantage is that adding a semicolon can change the interpretation of @foo() in a surprising way, particularly at the top-level.

Option 3 offers most of the advantages of Option 2, while retaining a clear syntactic distinction between attributes and macro usage. The main downside is that @deriving(Eq) and @inline follow the precedent of other languages more closely and arguably look cleaner than @[deriving(Eq)] and @[inline].

What to do?

Currently I personally lean towards options 2 or 3. I am not happy with Option 1 both because I think we should reserve ! and because I think we should move attributes and macros closer together, both in syntax and in deeper semantics.

Choosing between options 2 and 3 is difficult. It seems to boil down to whether you feel the potential ambiguities of @foo() outweigh the attractiveness of @inline vs @[inline]. I don’t personally have a strong feeling on this particular question. It’s hard to say how confusing the ambiguities will be in practice. I would be happier if placing or failing to place a semicolon at the right spot yielded a hard error.

So I guess I would summarize my current feeling as being happy with either Option 2, but with the proviso that it is an error to use a macro in decorator position unless it explicitly opts in, or Option 3, without that proviso. This seems to retain all the upsides and avoid the confusing ambiguities.

Appendix: A brief explanation of token trees

Token trees are the basis for our macro-rules macros. They are a variation on token streams in which tokens are basically uninterpreted except that matching delimeters ((), [], {}) are paired up. A macro-rules macro is then “just” a translation from a token tree to another token. This output token tree is then parsed as normal. Similarly, our parser is actually not defined over a stream of tokens but rather a token tree.

Our current implementation deviates from this ideal model in some respects. For one thing, macros take as input token trees with embedded asts, and the parser parses a stream of tokens with embedded token trees, rather than token trees themselves, but these details are not particularly relevant to this post. I also suspect we ought to move the implementation closer to the ideal model over time, but that’s the subject of another post.