More thoughts on claiming

26 June 2024

NB. This page is part of the series "Claim".
Click here to see all posts.

This is the first of what I think will be several follow-up posts to “Claiming, auto and otherwise”. This post is focused on clarifying and tweaking the design I laid out previously in response to some of the feedback I’ve gotten. In future posts I want to lay out some of the alternative designs I’ve heard.

TL;DR: People like it

If there’s any one thing I can take away from what I’ve heard, is that people really like the idea of making working with reference counted or cheaply cloneable data more ergonomic than it is today. A lot of people have expressed a lot of excitement.

If you read only one additional thing from the post—well, don’t do that, but if you must—read the Conclusion. It attempts to restate what I was proposing to help make it clear.

Clarifying the relationship of the traits

I got a few questions about the relationship of the Copy/Clone/Claim traits to one another. I think the best way to show it is with a venn diagram:

  • The Clone trait is the most general, representing any way of duplicating the value. There are two important subtraits:
    • Copy represents values that can be cloned via memcpy and which lack destructors (“plain old data”).
    • Claim represents values whose clones are cheap, infallible, and transparent; on the basis of these properties, claims are inserted automatically by the compiler.

Copy and Claim overlap but do not have a strict hierarchical relationship. Some Claim types (like Rc and Arc) are not “plain old data”. And while all Copy operations are infallible, some of them fail to meet claims other conditions:

  • Copying a large type like [u8; 1024] is not cheap.
  • Copying a type with interior mutability like Cell<u8> is not transparent.

On heuristics

One challenge with the Claim trait is that the choice to implement it involves some heuristics:

  • What exactly is cheap? I tried to be specific by saying “O(1) and doesn’t copy more than a few cache lines”, but clearly it will be hard to draw a strict line.
  • What exactly is infallible? It was pointed out to me that Arc will abort if the ref count overflows (which is one reason why the Rust-for-Linux project rolled their own alternative). And besides, any Rust code can abort on stack overflow. So clearly we need to have some reasonable compromise.
  • What exactly is transparent? Again, I tried to specify it, but iterator types are an example of types that are technically transparent to copy but where it is nontheless very confusing to claim them.

An aversion to heuristics is the reason we have the current copy/clone split. We couldn’t figure out where to draw the line (“how much data is too much?”) so we decided to simply make it “memcpy or custom code”. This was a reasonable starting point, but we’ve seen that it is imperfect, leading to uncomfortable compromises.

The thing about “cheap, infallible, and transparent” is that I think it represents exactly the criteria that we really want to represent when something can be automatically claimed. And it seems inherent that those criteria are a bit squishy.

One implication of this is that Claim should rarely if ever appear as a bound on a function. Writing fn foo<T: Claim>(t: T) doesn’t really feel like it adds a lot of value to me, since, given the heuristical nature of claim, it’s going to rule out some uses that may make sense. eternaleye proposed an interesting twist on the original proposal, suggesting we introducing stricter versions of Claim for, say, O(1) Clone, although I don’t yet see what code would want to use that as a bound either.

“Infallible” ought to be “does not unwind” (and we ought to abort if it does)

I originally laid out the conditions for claim as “cheap, infallible, and transparent”, where “infallible” means “cannot panic or abort”. But it was pointed out to me that Arc and Rc in the standard library will indeed abort if the ref-count exceeds std::usize::MAX! This obviously can’t work, since reference counted values are the prime candidate to implement Claim.

Therefore, I think infallible ought to say that “Claim operations should never panic”. This almost doesn’t need to be said, since panics are already meant to represent impossible or extraordinarily unlikely conditions, but it seems worth reiterating since it is particularly important in this case.

In fact, I think we should go further and have the compiler insert an abort if an automatic claim operation does unwind.1 My reasoning here is the same as I gave in my post on unwinding2:

  • Reasoning about unwinding is already very hard, it becomes nigh impossible if the sources of unwinding are hidden.
  • It would make for more efficient codegen if the compiler doesn’t have to account for unwinding, which would make code using claim() (automatically or explicitly) mildly more efficient than code using clone().

I was originally thinking of the Rust For Linux project when I wrote the wording on infallible, but their requirements around aborting are really orthogonal and much broader than Claim itself. They already don’t use the Rust standard library, or most dependencies, because they want to limit themselves to code that treats abort as an absolute last resort. Rather than abort on overflow, their version of reference counting opts simply to leak, for example, and their memory allocators return a Result to account for OOM conditions. I think the Claim trait will work just fine for them whatever we say on this point, as they’ll already have to screen for code that meets their more stringent criteria.

Clarifying claim codegen

In my post, I noted almost in passing that I would expect the compiler to still use memcpy at monomorphization time when it knew that the type being claimed implements Copy. One interesting bit of feedback I got was anecdotal evidence that this will indeed be cricital for performance.

To model the semantics I want for claim we would need specialization3. I’m going to use a variant of specialized that lcnr first proposed to me; the idea is to have an if impl expression that, at monomorphization time, either takes the true path (if the type implements Foo via always applicable impls) or the false path (otherwise). This is a cleaner formulation for specialization when the main thing you want to do is provide more optimized or alternative implementations.

Using that, we could write a function use_claim_value that defines the code the compiler should insert:

fn use_claim_value<T: Claim>(t: &T) -> T {
    std::panic::catch_unwind(|| {
        if impl T: Copy {
            // Copy T if we can
        } else {
            // Otherwise clone
    }).unwrap_or_else(|| {
        // Do not allow unwinding

This has three important properties:

  • No unwinding, for easier reasoning and better codegen.
  • Copies if it can.
  • Always calls clone otherwise.


What I really proposed

Effectively I proposed to change what it means to “use something by value” in Rust. This has always been a kind of awkward concept in Rust without a proper name, but I’m talking about what happens to the value x in any of these scenarios:

let x: SomeType;

// Scenario A: passing as an argument
fn consume(x: SomeType) {}

// Scenario B: assigning to a new place
let y = x;

// Scenario C: captured by a "move" closure
let c = move || x.operation();

// Scenario D: used in a non-move closure
// in a way that requires ownership
let d = || consume(x);

No matter which way you do it, the rules today are the same:

  • If SomeType: Copy, then x is copied, and you can go on using it later.
  • Else, x is moved, and you cannot.

I am proposing that, modulo the staging required for backwards compatibility, we change those rules to the following:

  • If SomeType: Claim, then x is claimed, and you can go on using it later.
  • Else, x is moved, and you cannot.

To a first approximation, “claiming” something means calling x.claim() (which is the same as x.clone()). But in reality we can be more efficient, and the definition I would use is as follows:

  • If the compiler sees x is “live” (may be used again later), it transforms the use of x to use_claimed_value(&x) (as defined earlier).
  • If x is dead, then it is just moved.

Why I proposed it

There’s a reason I proposed this change in the way that I did. I really value the way Rust handles “by value consumption” in a consistent way across all those contexts. It fits with Rust’s ethos of orthogonal, consistent rules that fit together to make a harmonious, usable whole.

My goal is to retain Rust’s consistency while also improving the gaps in the current rule, which neither highlights the things I want to pay attention to (large copies), hides the things I (almost always) don’t (reference count increments), nor covers all the patterns I sometimes want (e.g., being able to get and set a Cell<Range<u32>>, which doesn’t work today because making Range<u32>: Copy would introduce footguns). My hope is that we can do this in a way that it benefits most every Rust program, whether it be low-level or high-level in nature.

  1. In fact, I wonder if we could extend RFC #3288 to apply this retroactively to all operations invoked automatically by the compiler, like Deref, DerefMut, and Drop. Obviously this is technically backwards incompatible, but the benefits here could well be worth it in my view, and the code impacted seems very small (who intentionally panics in Deref?). ↩︎

  2. Another blog post for which I ought to post a follow-up! ↩︎

  3. Specialization has definitely acquired that “vaporware” reputation and for good reason—but I still think we can add it! That said, my thinking on the topic has evolved quite a bit. It’d be worth another post sometime. /me adds it to the queue. ↩︎