MinPin: yet another pin proposal

5 November 2024

This post floats a variation of boats’ UnpinCell proposal that I’m calling MinPin.1 MinPin’s goal is to integrate Pin into the language in a “minimally disruptive” way2 – and in particular a way that is fully backwards compatible. Unlike Overwrite, MinPin does not attempt to make Pin and &mut “play nicely” together. It does however leave the door open to add Overwrite in the future, and I think helps to clarify the positives and negatives that Overwrite would bring.

TL;DR: Key design decisions

Here is a brief summary of MinPin’s rules

  • The pinned keyword can be used to get pinned variations of things:
    • In types, pinned P is equivalent to Pin<P>, so pinned &mut T and pinned Box<T> are equivalent to Pin<&mut T> and Pin<Box<T>> respectively.
    • In function signatures, pinned &mut self can be used instead of self: Pin<&mut Self>.
    • In expressions, pinned &mut $place is used to get a pinned &mut that refers to the value in $place.
  • The Drop trait is modified to have fn drop(pinned &mut self) instead of fn drop(&mut self).
    • However, impls of Drop are still permitted (even encouraged!) to use fn drop(&mut self), but it means that your type will not be able to use (safe) pin-projection. For many types that is not an issue; for futures or other “address sensitive” types, you should use fn drop(pinned &mut self).
  • The rules for field projection from a s: pinned &mut S reference are based on whether or not Unpin is implemented:
    • Projection is always allowed for fields whose type implements Unpin.
    • For fields whose types are not known to implement Unpin:
      • If the struct S is Unpin, &mut projection is allowed but not pinned &mut.
      • If the struct S is !Unpin[^neg] and does not have a fn drop(&mut self) method, pinned &mut projection is allowed but not &mut.
      • If the type checker does not know whether S is Unpin or not, or if the type S has a Drop impl with fn drop(&mut self), neither form of projection is allowed for fields that are not Unpin.
  • There is a type struct Unpinnable<T> { value: T } that always implements Unpin.

Design axioms

Before I go further I want to layout some of my design axioms (beliefs that motivate and justify my design).

  • Pin is part of the Rust language. Despite Pin being entirely a “library-based” abstraction at present, it is very much a part of the language semantics, and it deserves first-class support. It should be possible to create pinned references and do pin projections in safe Rust.
  • Pin is its own world. Pin is only relevant in specific use cases, like futures or in-place linked lists.
  • Pin should have zero-conceptual-cost. Unless you are writing a Pin-using abstraction, you shouldn’t have to know or think about pin at all.
  • Explicit is possible. Automatic operations are nice but it should always be possible to write operations explicitly when needed.
  • Backwards compatible. Existing code should continue to compile and work.

Frequently asked questions

For the rest of the post I’m just going to go into FAQ mode.

I see the rules, but can you summarize how MinPin would feel to use?

Yes. I think the rule of thumb would be this. For any given type, you should decide whether your type cares about pinning or not.

Most types do not care about pinning. They just go on using &self and &mut self as normal. Everything works as today (this is the “zero-conceptual-cost” goal).

But some types do care about pinning. These are typically future implementations but they could be other special case things. In that case, you should explicitly implement !Unpin to declare yourself as pinnable. When you declare your methods, you have to make a choice

  • Is the method read-only? Then use &self, that always works.
  • Otherwise, use &mut self or pinned &mut self, depending…
    • If the method is meant to be called before pinning, use &mut self.
    • If the method is meant to be called after pinning, use pinned &mut self.

This design works well so long as all mutating methods can be categorized into before-or-after pinning. If you have methods that need to be used in both settings, you have to start using workarounds – in the limit, you make two copies.

How does MinPin compare to UnpinCell?

Those of you who have been following the various posts in this area will recognize many elements from boats’ recent UnpinCell. While the proposals share many elements, there is also one big difference between them that makes a big difference in how they would feel when used. Which is overall better is not yet clear to me.

Let’s start with what they have in common. Both propose syntax for pinned references/borrows (albeit slightly different syntax) and both include a type for “opting out” from pinning (the eponymous UnpinCell<T> in UnpinCell, Unpinnable<T> in MinPin). Both also have a similar “special case” around Drop in which writing a drop impl with fn drop(&mut self) disables safe pin-projection.

Where they differ is how they manage generic structs like WrapFuture<F>, where it is not known whether or not they are Unpin.

struct WrapFuture<F: Future> {
    future: F,

The r: pinned &mut WrapFuture<F>, the question is whether we can project the field future:

impl<F: Future> WrapFuture<F> {
    fn method(pinned &mut self) {
        let f = pinned &mut r.future;
        //      --------------------
        //      Is this allowed?

There is a specific danger case that both sets of rules are trying to avoid. Imagine that WrapFuture<F> implements Unpin but F does not – e.g., imagine that you have a impl<F: Future> Unpin for WrapFuture<F>. In that case, the referent of the pinned &mut WrapFuture<F> reference is not actually pinned, because the type is unpinnable. If we permitted the creation of a pinned &mut F, where F: !Unpin, we would be under the (mistaken) impression that F is pinned. Bad.

UnpinCell handles this case by saying that projecting from a pinned &mut is only allowed so long as there is no explicit impl of Unpin for WrapFuture (“if [WrapFuture<F>] implements Unpin, it does so using the auto-trait mechanism, not a manually written impl”). Basically: if the user doesn’t say whether the type is Unpin or not, then you can do pin-projection. The idea is that if the self type is Unpin, that will only be because all fields are unpin (in which case it is fine to make pinned &mut references to them); if the self type is not Unpin, then the field future is pinned, so it is safe.

In contrast, in MinPin, this case is only allowed if there is an explicit !Unpin impl for WrapFuture:

impl<F: Future> !Unpin for WrapFuture<F> {
    // This impl is required in MinPin, but not in UnpinCell

Explicit negative impls are not allowed on stable, but they were included in the original auto trait RFC. The idea is that a negative impl is an explicit, semver-binding commitment not to implement a trait. This is different from simply not including an impl at all, which allows for impls to be added later.

Why would you prefer MinPin over UnpinCell or vice versa?

I’m not totally sure which of these is better. I came to the !Unpin impl based on my axiom that pin is its own world – the idea was that it was better to push types to be explicitly unpin all the time than to have “dual-mode” types that masquerade as sometimes pinned and sometimes not.

In general I feel like it’s better to justify language rules by the presence of a declaration than the absence of one. So I don’t like the idea of saying “the absence of an Unpin impl allows for pin-projection” – after all, adding impls is supposed to be semver-compliant. Of course, that’s much lesss true for auto traits, but it can still be true.

In fact, Pin has had some unsoundness in the past based on unsafe reasoning that was justified by the lack of an impl. We assumed that &T could never implemented DerefMut, but it turned out to be possible to add weird impls of DerefMut in very specific cases. We fixed this by adding an explicit impl<T> !DerefMut for &T impl.

On the other hand, I can imagine that many explicitly implemented futures might benefit from being able to be ambiguous about whether they are Unpin.

What does your design axiom “Pin is its own world” mean?

The way I see it is that, in Rust today (and in MinPin, pinned places, UnpinCell, etc), if you have a T: !Unpin type (that is, a type that is pinnable), it lives a double life. Initially, it is unpinned, and you interact can move it, &-ref it, or &mut-ref it, just like any other Rust value. But once a !Unpin value becomes pinned to a place, it enters a different state, in which you can no longer move it or use &mut, you have to use pinned &mut:

flowchart TD
    Unpinned: can access 'v' with '&' and '&mut'

    Pinned: can access 'v' with '&' and 'pinned &mut'

Unpinned --
    pin 'v' in place (only if T is '!Unpin')
--> Pinned

One-way transitions like this limit the amount of interop and composability you get in the language. For example, if my type has &mut methods, I can’t use them once the type is pinned, and I have to use some workaround, such as duplicating the method with pinned &mut.3 In this specific case, however, I don’t think this transition is so painful, and that’s because of the specifics of the domain: futures go through a pretty hard state change where they start in “preparation mode” and then eventually start executing. The set of methods you need at these two phases are quite distinct. So this is what I meant by “pin is its own world”: pin is not very interopable with Rust, but this is not as bad as it sounds, because you don’t often need that kind of interoperability.

How would Overwrite affect pin being in its own world?

With Overwrite, when you pin a value in place, you just gain the ability to use pinned &mut, you don’t give up the ability to use &mut:

flowchart TD
    Unpinned: can access 'v' with '&' and '&mut'

    Pinned: can additionally access 'v' with 'pinned &mut'

Unpinned --
    pin 'v' in place (only if T is '!Unpin')
--> Pinned

Making pinning into a “superset” of the capabilities of pinned means that pinned &mut can be coerced into an &mut (it could even be a “true subtype”, in Rust terms). This in turn means that a pinned &mut Self method can invoke &mut self methods, which helps to make pin feel like a smoothly integrated part of the language.3

So does the axiom mean you think Overwrite is a bad idea?

Not exactly, but I do think that if Overwrite is justified, it is not on the basis of Pin, it is on the basis of immutable fields. If you just look at Pin, then Overwrite does make Pin work better, but it does that by limiting the capabilities of &mut to those that are compatible with Pin. There is no free lunch! As Eric Holk memorably put it to me in privmsg:

It seems like there’s a fixed amount of inherent complexity to pinning, but it’s up to us how we distribute it. Pin keeps it concentrated in a small area which makes it seem absolutely terrible, because you have to face the whole horror at once.4

I think Pin as designed is a “zero-conceptual-cost” abstraction, meaning that if you are not trying to use it, you don’t really have to care about it. That’s worth maintaining, if we can. If we are going to limit what &mut can do, the reason to do it is primarily to get other benefits, not to benefit pin code specifically.

To be clear, this is largely a function of where we are in Rust’s evolution. If we were still in the early days of Rust, I would say Overwrite is the correct call. It reminds me very much of the IMHTWAMA, the core “mutability xor sharing” rule at the heart of Rust’s borrow checker. When we decided to adopt the current borrow checker rules, the code was about 85-95% in conformance. That is, although there was plenty of aliased mutation, it was clear that “mutability xor sharing” was capturing a rule that we already mostly followed, but not completely. Because combining aliased state with memory safety is more complicated, that meant that a small minority of code was pushing complexity onto the entire language. Confining shared mutation to types like Cell and Mutex made most code simpler at the cost of more complexity around shared state in particular.

There’s a similar dynamic around replace and swap. Replace and swap are only used in a few isolated places and in a few particular ways, but the all code has to be more conservative to account for that possibility. If we could go back, I think limiting Replace to some kind of Replaceable<T> type would be a good move, because it would mean that the more common case can enjoy the benefits: fewer borrow check errors and more precise programs due to immutable fields and the ability to pass an &mut SomeType and be sure that your callee is not swapping the value under your feet (useful for the “scope pattern” and also enables Pin<&mut> to be a subtype of &mut).

Why did you adopt pinned &mut and not &pin mut as the syntax?

The main reason was that I wanted a syntax that scaled to Pin<Box<T>>. But also the pin! macro exists, making the pin keyword somewhat awkward (though not impossible).

One thing I was wondering about is the phrase “pinned reference” or “pinned pointer”. On the one hand, it is really a reference to a pinned value (which suggests &pin mut). On the other hand, I think this kind of ambiguity is pretty common. The main thing I have found is that my brain has trouble with Pin<P> because it wants to think of Pin as a “smart pointer” versus a modifier on another smart pointer. pinned Box<T> feels much better this way.

Can you show me an example? What about the MaybeDone example?

Yeah, totally. So boats pinned places post introduced two futures, MaybeDone and Join. Here is how MaybeDone would look in MinPin, along with some inline comments:

enum MaybeDone<F: Future> {
    //   ---------- see below

impl<F: Future> !Unpin for MaybeDone<F> { }
//              -----------------------
// `MaybeDone` is address-sensitive, so we
// opt out from `Unpin` explicitly. I assumed
// opting out from `Unpin` was the *default* in
// my other posts.

impl<F: Future> MaybeDone<F> {
    fn maybe_poll(pinned &mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) {
        if let MaybeDone::Polling(fut) = self {
            //                    ---
            // This is in fact pin-projection, although
            // it's happening implicitly as part of pattern
            // matching. `fut` here has type `pinned &mut F`.
            // We are permitted to do this pin-projection
            // to `F` because we know that `Self: !Unpin`
            // (because we declared that to be true).
            if let Poll::Ready(res) = fut.poll(cx) {
                *self = MaybeDone::Done(Some(res));

    fn is_done(&self) -> bool {
        matches!(self, &MaybeDone::Done(_))

    fn take_output(pinned &mut self) -> Option<F::Output> {
        //         ----------------
        //     This method is called after pinning, so it
        //     needs a `pinned &mut` reference...  

        if let MaybeDone::Done(res) = self {
            //  ------------
            //  ...but take is an `&mut self` method
            //  and `F:Output: Unpin` is known to be true.
            //  Therefore we have made the type in `Done`
            //  be `Unpinnable`, so that we can do this
            //  swap.
        } else {

Can you translate the Join example?

Yep! Here is Join:

struct Join<F1: Future, F2: Future> {
    fut1: MaybeDone<F1>,
    fut2: MaybeDone<F2>,

impl<F1: Future, F2: Future> !Unpin for Join<F> { }
//                           ------------------
// Join is a custom future, so implement `!Unpin`
// to gain access to pin-projection.

impl<F1: Future, F2: Future> Future for Join<F1, F2> {
    type Output = (F1::Output, F2::Output);

    fn poll(pinned &mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
        // The calls to `maybe_poll` and `take_output` below
        // are doing pin-projection from `pinned &mut self`
        // to a `pinned &mut MaybeDone<F1>` (or `F2`) type.
        // This is allowed because we opted out from `Unpin`
        // above.

        if self.fut1.is_done() && self.fut2.is_done() {
            let res1 = self.fut1.take_output().unwrap();
            let res2 = self.fut2.take_output().unwrap();
            Poll::Ready((res1, res2))
        } else {

What’s the story with Drop and why does it matter?

Drop’s current signature takes &mut self. But recall that once a !Unpin type is pinned, it is only safe to use pinned &mut. This is a combustible combination. It means that, for example, I can write a Drop that uses mem::replace or swap to move values out from my fields, even though they have been pinned.

For types that are always Unpin, this is no problem, because &mut self and pinned &mut self are equivalent. For types that are always !Unpin, I’m not too worried, because Drop as is is a poor fit for them, and pinned &mut self will be beter.

The tricky bit is types that are conditionally Unpin. Consider something like this:

struct LogWrapper<T> {
    value: T,

impl<T> Drop for LogWrapper<T> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {

At least today, whether or not LogWrapper is Unpin depends on whether T: Unpin, so we can’t know it for sure.

The solution that boats and I both landed on effectively creates three categories of types:5

  • those that implement Unpin, which are unpinnable;
  • those that do not implement Unpin but which have fn drop(&mut self), which are unsafely pinnable;
  • those that do not implement Unpin and do not have fn drop(&mut self), which are safely pinnable.

The idea is that using fn drop(&mut self) puts you in this purgatory category of being “unsafely pinnable” (it might be more accurate to say being “maybe unsafely pinnable”, since often at compilation time with generics we won’t know if there is an Unpin impl or not). You don’t get access to safe pin projection or other goodies, but you can do projection with unsafe code (e.g., the way the pin-project-lite crate does it today).

It feels weird to have Drop let you use &mut self when other traits don’t.

Yes, it does, but in fact any method whose trait uses pinned &mut self can be implemented safely with &mut self so long as Self: Unpin. So we could just allow that in general. This would be cool because many hand-written futures are in fact Unpin, and so they could implement the poll method with &mut self.

Wait, so if Unpin types can use &mut self, why do we need special rules for Drop?

Well, it’s true that an Unpin type can use &mut self in place of pinned &mut self, but in fact we don’t always know when types are Unpin. Moreover, per the zero-conceptual-cost axiom, we don’t want people to have to know anything about Pin to use Drop. The obvious approaches I could think of all either violated that axiom or just… well… seemed weird:

  • Permit fn drop(&mut self) but only if Self: Unpin seems like it would work, since most types are Unpin. But in fact types, by default, are only Unpin if their fields are Unpin, and so generic types are not known to be Unpin. This means that if you write a Drop impl for a generic type and you use fn drop(&mut self), you will get an error that can only be fixed by implementing Unpin unconditionally. Because “pin is its own world”, I believe adding the impl is fine, but it violates “zero-conceptual-cost” because it means that you are forced to understand what Unpin even means in the first place.
  • To address that, I considered treating fn drop(&mut self) as implicitly declaring Self: Unpin. This doesn’t violate our axioms but just seems weird and kind of surprising. It’s also backwards incompatible with pin-project-lite.

These considerations let me to conclude that actually the current design kind of puts in a place where we want three categories. I think in retrospect it’d be better if Unpin were implemented by default but not as an auto trait (i.e., all types were unconditionally Unpin unless they declare otherwise), but oh well.

What is the forwards compatibility story for Overwrite?

I mentioned early on that MinPin could be seen as a first step that can later be extended with Overwrite if we choose. How would that work?

Basically, if we did the s/Unpin/Overwrite/ change, then we would

  • rename Unpin to Overwrite (literally rename, they would be the same trait);
  • prevent overwriting the referent of an &mut T unless T: Overwrite (or replacing, swapping, etc).

These changes mean that &mut T is pin-preserving. If T: !Overwrite, then T may be pinned, but then &mut T won’t allow it to be overwritten, replaced, or swapped, and so pinning guarantees are preserved (and then some, since technically overwrites are ok, just not replacing or swapping). As a result, we can simplify the MinPin rules for pin-projection to the following:

Given a reference s: pinned &mut S, the rules for projection of the field f are as follows:

  • &mut projection is allowed via &mut s.f.
  • pinned &mut projection is allowed via pinned &mut s.f if S: !Unpin

What would it feel like if we adopted Overwrite?

We actually got a bit of a preview when we talked about MaybeDone. Remember how we had to introduce Unpinnable around the final value so that we could swap it out? If we adopted Overwrite, I think the TL;DR of how code would be different is that most any code that today uses std::mem::replace or std::mem::swap would probably wind up using an explicit Unpinnable-like wrapper. I’ll cover this later.

This goes a bit to show what I meant about there being a certain amount of inherent complexity that we can choose to distibute: in MinPin, this pattern of wrapping “swappable” data is isolated to pinned &mut self methods in !Unpin types. With Overwrite, it would be more widespread (but you would get more widespread benefits, as well).


My conclusion is that this is a fascinating space to think about!6 So fun.

  1. Hat tip to Tyler Mandry and Eric Holk who discussed these ideas with me in detail. ↩︎

  2. MinPin is the “minimal” proposal that I feel meets my desiderata; I think you could devise a maximally minimal proposal is even smaller if you truly wanted. ↩︎

  3. It’s worth noting that coercions and subtyping though only go so far. For example, &mut can be coerced to &, but we often need methods that return “the same kind of reference they took in”, which can’t be managed with coercions. That’s why you see things like last and last_mut↩︎ ↩︎

  4. I would say that the current complexity of pinning is, in no small part, due to accidental complexity, as demonstrated by the recent round of exploration, but Eric’s wider point stands. ↩︎

  5. Here I am talking about the category of a particular monomorphized type in a particular version of the crate. At that point, every type either implements Unpin or it doesn’t. Note that at compilation time there is more grey area, as they can be types that may or may not be pinnable, etc. ↩︎

  6. Also that I spent way too much time iterating on this post. JUST GONNA POST IT. ↩︎