
26 October 2019

why async fn in traits are hard

After reading boat’s excellent post on asynchronous destructors, I thought it might be a good idea to write some about async fn in traits. Support for async fn in traits is probably the single most common feature request that I hear about. It’s also one of the more complex topics. So I thought it’d be nice to do a blog post kind of giving the “lay of the land” on that feature – what makes it complicated?

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8 July 2019

Async-await status report #2

I wanted to give an update on the status of the “async-await foundations” working group. This post aims to cover three things: the “async await MVP” that we are currently targeting; how that fits into the bigger picture; and how you can help, if you’re so inclined; Current target: async-await MVP We are currently working on stabilizing what we call the async-await MVP – as in, “minimal viable product”. As the name suggests, the work we’re doing now is basically the minimum that is needed to “unlock” async-await.

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