15 September 2021

CTCFT 2021-09-20 Agenda

The next “Cross Team Collaboration Fun Times” (CTCFT) meeting will take place next Monday, on 2021-09-20 (in your time zone)! This post covers the agenda. You’ll find the full details (along with a calendar event, zoom details, etc) on the CTCFT website. Agenda Announcements Interest group panel discussion We’re going to try something a bit different this time! The agenda is going to focus on Rust interest groups and domain working groups, those brave explorers who are trying to put Rust to use on all kinds of interesting domains.

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30 August 2021

Next CTCFT Meeting: 2021-09-20

Hold the date! The next Cross Team Collaboration Fun Times meeting will be 2021-09-20. We’ll be using the “Asia-friendly” time slot of 21:00 EST. What will the talks be about? A detailed agenda will be announced in a few weeks. Current thinking however is to center the agenda on Rust interest groups and domain working groups, those brave explorers who are trying to put Rust to use on all kinds of interesting domains, such as game development, cryptography, machine learning, formal verification, and embedded development.

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12 July 2021

CTCFT 2021-07-19 Agenda

The next “Cross Team Collaboration Fun Times” (CTCFT) meeting will take place one week from today, on 2021-07-19 (in your time zone)! What follows are the abstracts for the talks we have planned. You’ll find the full details (along with a calendar event, zoom details, etc) on the CTCFT website. Mentoring Presented by: doc-jones The Rust project has a number of mechanisms for getting people involved in the project, but most are oriented around 1:1 engagement.

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14 June 2021

CTCFT 2021-06-21 Agenda

The second “Cross Team Collaboration Fun Times” (CTCFT) meeting will take place one week from today, on 2021-06-21 (in your time zone)! This post describes the main agenda items for the meeting; you’ll find the full details (along with a calendar event, zoom details, etc) on the CTCFT website. Afterwards: Social hour After the CTCFT this week, we are going to try an experimental social hour. The hour will be coordinated in the #ctcft stream of the rust-lang Zulip.

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14 May 2021


This Monday I am starting something new: a monthly meeting called the “Cross Team Collaboration Fun Times” (CTCFT)1. Check out our nifty logo2: The meeting is a mechanism to help keep the members of the Rust teams in sync and in touch with one another. The idea is to focus on topics of broad interest (more than two teams): Status updates on far-reaching projects that could affect multiple teams; Experience reports about people trying new things (sometimes succeeding, sometimes not); “Rough draft” proposals that are ready to be brought before a wider audience.

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