
23 October 2012

Function and object types

My big goal for 0.5 is to straighten out our function types (yet again). I’ve been tossing the design for these over in my head since the summer and I wanted to lay out my plan. This is a variation of something that Ben Blum and I sketched out on a whiteboard. Closure type The closure type will be described something like so. Beware, it’s got a lot of options. It turns out that there is a very large variety of things one might want to use closures for, and supporting them requires a fair number of knobs.

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12 July 2012

Fn types

I am trying to mop up some of the remaining work for regions now. One of the big remaining areas is dealing with function and iface types. This proposal is certainly influenced by my previous proposals. However, we have backed away from the idea of dynamically-sized types for vectors and so I will do the same here. The design My current design includes the following kinds of function types (written as I expect them to commonly be written; some details are omitted):

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7 May 2012

Fn types

As you loyal readers know, I am on a quest to make the Rust type system more orthogonal with respect to the kind of pointer in use, by which I mean that I want to have the three pointer sigils (@, &, and ~) indicate where memory is located and the other types indicate what value is to be found at that memory. Right now there are a few cases where we conflate the two things into one type.

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