12 December 2013

Structural arrays in Typed Objects

Dave Herman and I were tossing around ideas the other day for a revision of the typed object specification in which we remove nominal array types. The goal is to address some of the awkwardness that we have encountered in designing the PJS API due to nominal array types. I thought I’d try writing it out. This is to some extent a thought experiment. Description by example I’ve had a hard time trying to identify the best way to present the idea, because it is at once so similar and so unlike what we have today.

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22 November 2013

Optimizing SIMD, part 2

A quick follow-up to my previous post. The approach I suggested (“generate boxing instructions but bypass them when possible”) is in some sense pessimistic: we generate the instructions we need for the worst case and then cleanup. Like many problems in computer science, it has an optimistic dual. We could generate unboxed data and then insert boxes where needed. In fact, we have an existing mechanism for doing that, called the type policies.

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21 November 2013

Optimizing SIMD

There is currently some ongoing effort to implement the proposed JavaScript SIMD API in Firefox. The basic idea of the API is to introduce explicit vector value types called float32x4 and int32x4. These types fit into the typed objects hierarchy, so you can create arrays of them, embed them in structs, and so forth. The semantics of these vectors types is designed to make it possible for JIT engines to detect and optimize their use.

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4 November 2013

Optimizing complex typed object assignments

I want to optimize assignments to struct-typed fields in typed objects. This post is an effort to work through my optimization plan. The goal Imagine some code like this: var PointType = new StructType({x: int32, y: int32}); var LineType = new StructType({from: PointType, to: PointType}); var line = new LineType(); line.to = {x: 22, y: 44}; The last line in particular is the one I am interested in. Today we execute this in the most naive way.

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29 October 2013

PJS Roadmap

I think someone reading this blog would be forgiven for thinking that I must spend most of my energy thinking about Rust. In fact I spend a good part of my working hours hammering on PJS. I thought I’d try to write up a bit of a preview of the things we are working on. Parallel methods on arrays Right now, on Nightly Firefox builds, you can use the parallel methods mapPar, filterPar, and reducePar on normal JS arrays.

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18 October 2013

Typed object handles

Yesterday Dmitry Lomov and I had a discussion about the typed objects API. Much of the discussion revolved around the specific issue of handles. In this post I will summarize the issues we discussed and review the various design options. I’ll begin with a summary of what handles are and how they are used in current APIs; if this is familiar to you (cough Dave Herman cough) you may want to skip ahead to the section “Subtle points”.

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3 September 2013

Type specifications in Parallel JS

Since I last wrote, we’ve made great progress with the work on the Parallel JS and Typed Objects (nee Binary Data) implementation. In particular, as of this morning, preliminary support for typed objects has landed in Mozilla Nightly, although what’s currently checked in is not fully conformant with the current version of the standard (for this reason, support is limited to Nightly and not available in Aurora or Beta builds).

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19 July 2013

Integrating binary data and type inference in SpiderMonkey

Since the new version of PJS is going to be based on binary data, we are going to need to have a well-optimized binary data implementation. Nikhil Marathe has prepared an initial implementation, but it is limited to the interpreter. I am looking now at how to integrate binary data into the JIT. The goal is to have accesses get compiled to very efficient generated code. In this blog post, I specifically want to cover the plan for integrating our type inference with binary data.

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29 May 2013

Integrating binary data and PJs

We’ve been making a lot of conceptual progress with the PJS API that has not been written down anywhere, so I want to cover some of that work. This post focuses on the integration of parallel methods with the binary data API. It shows how the new API approach allows users to avoid allocation for higher efficiency. Methods, not types We are moving away from a ParallelArray type and into methods that will be offered on existing array types.

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30 April 2013

Parallelizable JavaScript Subset

I want to look at an interesting topic: what subset of JavaScript do we intend to support for parallel execution, and how long will it take to get that working? As my dear and loyal readers already know, our current engine supports a simple subset of JavaScript but we will want to expand it and make the result more predictable. From my point of view, the subset below includes basically all the JavaScript syntax that I ever use.

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4 April 2013

A tour of the Parallel JS implementation (Part 2)

In my last post about ParallelJS, I discussed the ForkJoin() intrinsic and showed how it was used to implement the parallel map operation. Today I want to write about the high-level changes to IonMonkey that are needed to support ForkJoin(). IonMonkey, of course, is our JavaScript engine. Parallel execution mode To support ParallelJS, we introduce a second mode of compilation called parallel execution mode. JavaScript compiled in this mode produces executable code that is suitable to be run in parallel.

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21 March 2013

Guaranteeing parallel execution

One common criticism of the work on ParallelJS is that the API itself does not guarantee parallel execution. Instead, our approach has been to offer methods whose definition makes parallel execution possible, but we have left it up to the engines to define the exact set of JavaScript that will be safe for parallel execution. Now, I definitely think it is a good idea to clearly define the subset of JavaScript that our engine will be able to execute in parallel.

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20 March 2013

A tour of the Parallel JS implementation (Part 1)

I am going to write a series of blog posts giving a tour of the current Parallel JS implementation in SpiderMonkey. These posts are intended to serve partly as documentation for the code. The plan is to begin high level and work my way down to the nitty gritty details, so here we go! I will start my discussion at the level of the intrinsic ForkJoin() function. As an intrinsic function, ForkJoin() is not an API intended for use by end-users.

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20 March 2013

Parallel JS lands

The first version of our work on ParallelJS has just been promoted to mozilla-central and thus will soon be appearing in a Nightly Firefox build near you. I find this pretty exciting. In honor of the occassion, I wanted to take a moment to step back and look both at what has landed now, what we expect to land soon, and the overall trajectory we are aiming for. What is available now Once Nightly builds are available, users will be able to run what is essentially a “first draft” of Parallel JS.

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26 February 2013

Splitting the PJs API

Lately, I’ve been thinking about the ParallelJS API that we want to expose. In particular, I’ve been considering offering methods on the normal array type for basic parallel operations. I think this opens up some interesting doors. Note: To give credit where credit is due, I should note that a lot of the ideas in this post originate with other members of the Parallel JS team (Shu-yu Guo, Dave Herman, Felix Klock).

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3 January 2013

The case FOR deterministic results

In my last post, I made the case against having a deterministic semantics. I’ve gotten a fair amount of feedback saying that, for a Web API, introducing nondeterminism is a very risky idea. Certainly the arguments are strong. Therefore, I want to take a moment and make the case for determinism. Why determinism? All things being equal, it’s clear that deterministic execution semantics are preferable. They’re easier to debug and they avoid the question of browser incompatibilities.

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2 January 2013

Deterministic or not?

One of the interesting questions with respect to Parallel JS is what the semantics ought to be if you attempt a parallel operation with a kernel function that has side-effects. There are basically three reasonable options: Deterministic results where possible: The function behaves “as if” it executed sequentially, executing the kernel from 0 to n, just like Array.map. Error: An exception is thrown. Non-determinstic results: The function behaves “as if” it executed sequentially, but the items were mapped in an unspecified order.

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6 December 2012

Improving our parallel intrinsic

I mentioned in my previous post that we are using a single primitive parallel operation to implement PJs. It turns out that I am not very satisfied with what we currently have and I have been thinking about some alternatives. In this post I’ll describe briefly how things are setup, what problems I see, and then sketch out how I think we could improve it. How things work now: %ParallelBuildArray() The current intrinsic is %ParallelBuildArray(length, func, args.

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5 December 2012

Self-hosted Parallel JS

The blog has been silent for a while. The reason is that I’ve been hard at work on Parallel JS. It’s come a long way: in fact, the goal is to land an initial version in the next couple weeks! One of the very exciting developments has been that we switched to a self-hosting implementation. Self-hosting is a very cool new direction for the SpiderMonkey engine being introduced by Till Schneidereit.

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24 October 2012

Purity in Parallel JavaScript

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’ve started to think that Parallel JS (nee Rivertrail) should not demand pure callbacks to functions like map() and so forth. Rather it should just accept arbitrary functions. Previously, I thought that it was important that ParallelArray methods should only accept functions which, at least in a perfect world, would be safely parallelizable. But I am no longer so sure why that is an important goal.

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12 October 2012

Extending the definition of purity in Rust

In this post I propose an extension of Rust’s purity rules. The short version is that pure functions would be allowed to mutate data owned by their &mut parameters. This extends the current Rust purity rules which allow pure functions to invoke impure closures so long as they are an argument to the function. The principle is the same: pure functions are functions whose side-effects can be completely determined by examining their parameters (for the more formally minded among you, this is effectively an effect-parametric system with very lightweight notation).

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10 October 2012


I have started work on implementing Rivertrail, Intel’s proposal for data parallelism in JS. I am excited about this project, it seems like it’s going to be great fun. The initial version that we produce is going to be focused on Intel’s specification, but I hope we can eventually combine it with the more general stuff I’ve been doing as part of PJs. There is an awful lot of overlap between the two, though also a few minor differences that will need to be ironed out.

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1 February 2012


It’s been a while since I wrote anything on the blog! A lot has been going on in the meantime, both in Rust, parallel JavaScript, and personally…I hate to write a big update post but I gotta’ catch up somehow! Rust First, we made our 0.1 release, which is great. We are now planning for 0.2. The goal is to make frequent, relatively regular releases. We’re still in such an early phase that it doesn’t seem to make sense to literally release every few months, but at the same time we don’t plan to wait long.

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11 January 2012

Proposed JS parallelism vs actors

In one of the comments on yesterday’s post, Tushar Pokle asked why I would champion my model over an Erlang model of strict data separation. There are several answers to this question. The simplest answer is that Web Workers already provide an actors model, though they do not make tasks particularly cheap (it’s possible to work around this by creating a fixed number of workers and sending tasks for them to execute).

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9 January 2012

Parallel Javascript

Lately the ideas for a parallel, shared memory JavaScript have begun to take shape. I’ve been discussing with various JavaScript luminaries and it seems like a design is starting to emerge. This post serves as a documentation of the basic ideas; I’m sure the details will change as we go along. User Model The model is that a JavaScript worker (the “parent”) may spawn a number of child tasks (the “children”).

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